An Undergraduate Journal of Jewish Thought at Yale
About Shibboleth
Shibboleth is Yale’s undergraduate magazine of Jewish thought and culture. Shibboleth hopes to enrich the Jewish conversation at Yale and in the world and to amplify the voices of emerging Jewish scholars.
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have made this publication possible through their generosity of time, talent and resources. We are especially grateful for the support of The Rose A. and Jack Schwartz Jewish Publication Fund, endowed by Joseph B. Schwartz, YC 1962, in memory of his parents, at the Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale. Thank you.
Editor-in-Chief: Netanel Schwartz
Senior Editor: Yosef Malka
Associate Editors: Max Bamberger, Elijah Bacal, Devorah Feder, Medad Lytton, Isabelle Kim-Sherman,
Zachary Suri, Daniela Woldenberg
Design: Samuel Ostrove, Ariane de Gennaro